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PlayMaker for FSM state creation and linking, Unity for programming


Here at PreviewLabs, we've been playing around with PlayMaker lately to consider using it in our future prototyping projects.

Our conclusion is that PlayMaker is most interesting when using it to create and link states, while keeping the state behavior in code.
More can be read here.

Interesting approach, sounds like a good option to integrate existing code in a Playmaker FSM – you can do a similar thing with the ‘Enable Behavior’ action. The disadvantage with this approach is that you lose the quick reference to what the state is doing by simply clicking on it and reading its action list.

I think we could really use some more algorithmic actions in PlayMaker to avoid so much state fragmentation that things get crowded and hard to understand, I’ve already released one such action and am currently working on others.


 I agree too, some logical blocks to route events instead of plain actions. A case statement, or a if statement should maybe not be considered as an action properly speaking but as a different sort of State with a different shape and all that. Is it what you are saying?



I'm thinking about the same approach, to keep actions per state minimum, move all game logic outside of fsm as separate script.
Playmaker is not a visual scripting tool, the action list is hard to and should not turn into a visual graph. 


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