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Unity 4.7 action fixes



 Unity 4.7 introduces a new COmpiler flag and so some actions will produce errors.

Install this package it will fix the necessary actions so that you can work on 4.7 using PlayMaker.

it features the following actions update:


[EDIT] Fixes are incorporated in the latest version of PlayMaker, so you are good without now.



Hi, Thank you for your wonderful work on Playmaker, I really enjoy it.

But i'm annoyed right now because of I updated my project into Unity 4.7 from 4.4 and then error occured.

I have downloaded just as you said the package. Now instead of the 4 or 5 error messages I have this one.

Assets/PlayMaker/Editor/PlayMakerWelcomeWindow.cs(125,13): error CS0103: The name `titleContent' does not exist in the current context

What should I do?


Alex Chouls:
If you update to the latest version in the store it should include all fixes for Unity 4.7. Import the latest version and install from the Welcome Window.

Not sure what version of Playmaker you're using now, but if it's a big jump and you want to minimize changes to your current project you could also edit the first few lines of PlayMakerWelcomeWindow.cs to read:

--- Code: ---#if (UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_5_0)
#define UNITY_PRE_5_1
--- End code ---

BTW, this happened because Unity decided to release Unity 4.7 with a new version define, even though it was just a collection of patches for Unity 4.6. Unity 4.7 was a surprise release, with no beta, and it broke a lot of assets on the store that assumed the Unity4.x updates were finished.  But we got a fix into the store pretty quickly...


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