PlayMaker Feedback > Feature Requests

Find Action Usage

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hermit purple:
It would be very helpful to search for usage of a Action script in all the FSM in the current scene/prefabs in project. Similar to Unity's "Find References In Scene" function.

There are plugins that are able to find object references in FSM but unfortunately nothing can look up script usage. This would save a lot of time looking for a particular action in the scene. (For example, what is fading the camera at this moment?)

if you look up the action in the actions window there's the name of the action and a [number] to the right of it. If you right click the action and goto Find> you'll see a list organised by GameObject:FSM:State. Left clicking on any line will bring up the FSM in the Playmaker window.

You can't access this during Run mode though. To see the [numbers] I usually do a run with the actions tab closed and then look it up in editing mode.

Hope that helps.

The included screenshot has some client info intentionally blurred. got nothing to do with playmaker.

Edit: reworked phrasing to make it clearer

Try debug flow. Watch my video from the 7 minute mark //
Or try timeline log. Playmaker -> Editor Windows -> Timeline Log

oouh that's actually really useful for me too.

Thanks tcmeric :]

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Glad to hear it. Thanks for letting me know!


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