PlayMaker Feedback > Feature Requests

Search feature on Object type menu


Marc Saubion:
Hi everyone.

I've been using Playmaker daily for more than a year now and there is a bottleneck in my workflow. When using actions like get/set properties or using an object variable, I need to specify the object type. I usually do it using a drag and drop of said object so this is automatic but this is not possible on some occasion like when creating an array. This means I have to go through the object type menu which is very tedious without a search feature.

Having a lot of assets and plugins, the list in this menu is immense. It takes like 30s to go to the useful Unity Engine tab and it's a needle in a haystack to find something if you don't know precisely where it is.  :-\

A search feature similar to the action browser would be verry welcome.  ;)


Marc Saubion:
I bumb this post as I've been stuck because of the same issue.

I've been provided with a third party script that I adjust by changing a public variable. The issue is, I have no idea where is it in the list and can't find it. The only solution is to drag and drop the script from a gameobject but this won't work if working on a template since it refuses to use anything from your scene.

The solution is to have the object on a prefab and select it in the project folder.

Don't try to copy and resave on a template or you will have to manualy reasign them all.

Alex Chouls:
Hi, we've been prototyping a searchable menu replacement for the standard Unity menu. I hope to get it into 1.9.1 (we're just about to release 1.9.0).


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