Bug Reporting > PlayMaker Bug Reporting

1.9.0 Issue[SOLVED]

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How can resolve that issue?:

Assets/PlayMaker Utils/PlayMakerUtils_FsmVar.cs(372,33): error CS0619: `UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial' is obsolete: `Built-in support for Substance Designer materials has been removed from Unity. To continue using Substance Designer materials, you will need to install Allegorithmic's external importer from the Asset Store.'

Assets/PlayMaker Utils/PlayMakerUtils_FsmVar.cs(450,32): error CS0619: `UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial' is obsolete: `Built-in support for Substance Designer materials has been removed from Unity. To continue using Substance Designer materials, you will need to install Allegorithmic's external importer from the Asset Store.'

Assets/PlayMaker Utils/PlayMakerUtils_FsmVar.cs(452,21): error CS0619: `UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial' is obsolete: `Built-in support for Substance Designer materials has been removed from Unity. To continue using Substance Designer materials, you will need to install Allegorithmic's external importer from the Asset Store.'

Playmaker ver. 1.9.0, Unity ver. 2018.1.1f1

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.


Not sure if this is the correct way but I commented out those lines and it was fine after.

Lines: 369-376

--- Quote ---            #if UNITY_WEBGL
            // proceduralMaterial not supported
//dai            if (valueType.Equals(typeof(ProceduralMaterial))) // we are ok
//dai            {
//dai               ok = true;
//dai            }
--- End quote ---


Lines: 447-453

--- Quote ---      #if UNITY_WEBGL
      // proceduralMaterial not supported
//dai      }else if(valueType == typeof(ProceduralMaterial) ){
//dai         FsmMaterial _target= fromFsm.Variables.GetFsmMaterial(fsmVar.variableName);
//dai         _target.Value = (ProceduralMaterial)value;
--- End quote ---

Just a quick fix


You now need to use this from the asset store:


and follow these instructions:


Alex Chouls:
PlayMakerUtils are included in some packages on the ecosystem (it's not part of the base install). Try downloading the latest version of any packages you imported from the ecosystem. If that doesn't work, Jean will need to update those packages...

Importing the new Substance tools might also work, but I haven't tried them yet.

I got the same problem when getting last version of DataMaker , too .
But it can fix by import "PlayMakerUtils" package in ecosystem or GitHub link.

Playmaker ver. 1.9.0, Ecosystem 0.6.1 Unity ver. 2018.1.0f2


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