Bug Reporting > PlayMaker Bug Reporting

Load Scene Asynch Action "Scene not found Event " not working


when using the action Load Scene Asynch, if the scene doesnt exists, it should trigger the Scene Not Found Event, but instead, it hangs and the event is never triggered.

For the moment, i fixed it using Load Level (which Failed Event does work), but I would prefer maintain the consistency and use the Scene method.

I'm using Playmaker 1.9.0p4 and Unity 2017.2.1f1



 Good catch. It's fixed and will be available in the next release, meanwhile, you can get the fixed action here:




It works! Thanks!

Now, I dont know if intended or not, but it still makes a break point and throws an error. (and sets the editor on pause, even when i dont have Error Pause enabled)

The Load Level failed event does not throw an error when the scene is not found, it only triggers the not found event.

I think it should not throw an error if I'm counting on the scene not found event to trigger something else. But i'm not entirely sure.


 yes, that's an unfortunate issue with Unity itself, it's impossible to turn it off or even catch it within a try/catch to suppress the error. It's really a bummer, but a known issue.



Bummer, but thanks for the reply Jean!


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