PlayMaker Feedback > Action Requests

"Caching.ClearAllCachedVersions" to delete a specific AssetBundle(s)


Hello, I previously requested an action that deleted EVERY AssetBundle so it can download a new update without having the old version taking up storage space.

For some reason I did not notice this one before since Googling has resulted in Caching.DeleteFromCache is obsolete from a previous version.

However, now there is an action called "Caching.ClearAllCachedVersions" that will delete Every Version of a specific AssetBundle by using its AssetBundle Name. The link has sample script.

This is better for most cases than the previously requested action since it won't require the player to download every single AssetBundle again and would only require them to download the specific AssetBundle file that needs to be updated.

Thank you!

Maybe it is best to contact tcmeric  directly as hes working on assetbundle actions :)


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