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Transform Object Width and Heigth by input of Unity UI


Hi, Im bit of a starter with Playmaker.

But what im trying to accomplish is the following;

I  have a cube that is like a tabletop; and i want to transform the object based on input from a UI input field. It can be with a slider but also with a "empty inputfield"

But i want to manage this with playmaker, so i can show it to my team what it is doing.

How do i start doing this?

Kind Regards,


 Changing the width and height of regular mesh is not possible, you have to scale them instead, unless you have a framework which gives you access to dynamic/interactive meshes ( houdini does for example)

So, have a slider, ranging from 1 to 2 for example, and get its value, then you set the scale ( on axis only) with that value, and that's it.

 Where in that process are you getting stuck?

Typically, when I start with a new feature, I work backward, I first have an fsm that control my scale value, and expose the value in the inspector, then I manually change that value and see how it affect my object, then I let a slider control that value.




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