PlayMaker Feedback > Action Requests

Array Changed Action!


I believe it would be very beneficial to have an array changed action, especially if it can monitor the array based on the change of a specific index or the whole array. Just like the other changed action, it will call an event if the array is changed and store the results. Maybe add a call event if the specified index doesn't exist?

Is this something possible?

That would not be very performance efficient to do every frame i think.

It think it would be better to send an event when you change something in the array.

Then have 2 copies from the array (old / new) and compare using get next and the index value (to get the old value on the same index)

If a value has changed copy the new array to the old array and then do what you need to do when something has changed.

I originally though of doing it the way you mentioned but I noticed assets that allow you to bind variables to gui and thought that would be a lot less work and headache. Then I noticed the changed actions and thought having this with arrays would be perfect.

Is using the changed actions too inefficient for managing the display of gui data?

On single variables its fine,
But if you would do this on large arrays and doing it every frame it would not be good for performance.


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