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Several questions about PM


Hi all,
I have two very basic questions:
1. Does FSM exist between scenes? Thats to say, is it possible to transfer variables between different scenes? I do not mean creation of some empty game object, declaring it as persistent and applying FSM to it. Nor I mean loading level and then load additively another one and have gigabytes of memory used. Just simple question - does FSM exist between scenes?
2. Is there any channel (I think that is what you call them) that can help to serialize game data? Or is Playmaker compatible with third party serialization/deserialization solutions?

Alex Chouls:
1. Playmaker has Global Variables that are persistent across levels. If you need an FSM to be persistent, you can use Don't Destroy On Load to keep it around. Or you could save/load its state (see 2 below).

2. Playmaker supports Unity's PlayerPrefs system to serialize game data:

There are also some third party libraries with Playmaker support. E.g., UnitySerializer:


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