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[SOLVED]Trigger Event using another game object


Hey everyone,

Sorry if this question is stupidly simple but I'm new and can't find an answer on google.

What I have done so far is create a draggable object. I have also created another object that is just a cube collider with the trigger checked.

How do I trigger an event by dragging the first object into the cube collider? All the tutorials and help i've found is only relavent to a character controller.

Thank you


I think this is an issue with my trigger. Because when press play and then use the move tool in the editor the trigger FSM doesn't do anything still.

I have attached images to show what I've got.

Forgot to add ridgid body... is working now... WOOPs

:) Glad you found it!

Man, Unity collisions...

If I had a dollar...


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