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Key pression/depression behaviour


I'm building a little car with PM and as controls I am setting up WASD.
I don't know if this is the right way to set them up, but anyway, it works but I occurred in a behaviour of the key management that looks strange to me.

So, I have set up 2 FSM on the object that I want to move.
One FSM manages the keys W and S, for forward and backward, because of course they will never be pressed together.
The other FSM manages A and D, for turn left and right.

The problem arises, in example, when I press W first, keep it pressed, and press A or D, the W button then results depressed, but it's not.
Being two different FSM, why is it like that?
And how to overcome this limitation, if the thing is correct this way?

You may be using the same variables or sending the same event from an A/D FSM on the W/S FSM.

Happens to me nearly every time when I do a controller setup, usually when I'm using a float to vary the speed variable and forget to change them when I copy work from the vertical controls fsm to the horizontal controls fsm.

I think you hit the target, I'm using the same global variable to act on the wheels.
I'll let you know tomorrow though, too tired now  :o


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