Bug Reporting > PlayMaker Bug Reporting

Playmaker is changing the name of a global variable

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Really weird bug here.

Occasionally, after pressing play, Playmaker will actually change the name of a particular global variable (playerGO) to an incorrect one (hitObject). hitObject is the name of a local variable I use in one particular game object to store a collision. I can't see any particular relation between this variable and my playerGO.

Anyway, somehow this change persists after stopping, and most of my prefabs somehow update themselves to reference this new, incorrect variable name. However, some don't, and they reference null.

I've corrected its name in the global variables list a few times, but it keeps changing back on its own.

I'm having the same issue here with 2 GameObjects variables.
The weird thing is, I finally gave up and created new variables to change them, since they keept changing, but after changing all the old variable references in all the FSMs and deleting the old variables, I'm still having the same issue with the new ones!
This bug is really killing me since I have LOTS of FSMs that reference this two variables (as they are the pointer variables for player 1 and player 2) and every time this happens, some states change thi reference from one variable to the other, others don't and others even lose any reference at all.

This is happening only for global variables when your run the game, but keep changes after you stop!
What makes this a REAL problem is: it persists even if you close unity and reload the project without saving!

It seems to happen if you:

1- have the playmaker editor open and
2- press apply on a child of a prefab object with a playmaker component
3- press "run game" with the game view not maximized and the playmaker editor open at the same time.

If you press "apply" on the prefab root object instead of the child you just modified it seems to avoid the corruption (my root object doesn't have a playmaker component on it thought. This could be important.).
Also, running the game maximized seems to avoid this behaviour too, however, as it's not always happening in a consistent way, only time will tell.

Just be sure to make backups of the full project folder every day, just in case the playmaker components got corrupted...

Good sleuthing, I think you are right except for one thing. In my case, I am editing the root of the prefab and pushing Apply on the root - so it still happens there.

I suspect what makes it happen is having an FSM window open at all when you push Apply (as you said, your root object doesn't have an FSM so the editor window wouldn't be showing an FSM when you press apply on the root).

It just happened again.
I can confirm it happens when pushing the "apply" button to apply the changes of a prefab instance to the prefab object.
However, there was no playmaker fsm showing in the editor, but I had loose the prefab conection due to changing childs inside the prefab. My two variables got messed up again when I hit the "apply" button.

It's important to note the variables got messed up in objects outside of the prefab I was updating too, not only in the prefab.

I just lost 2 hours of programming because of this...  :-\


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