PlayMaker News > Work In Progress...

Playmaker Platforming Kit

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Hey guys, I just wanted to share the current state of my platformer kit made 100% with Playmaker. If all goes well it should soon be on the asset store.

Please let me know what you think, any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


Flying Robot:
Looking awesome! A must buy!

May I request a wall climb mechanism like SMB. That would be great!

One aspect I found felt a little off was the in air direction change, having the character change direction while in air felt strange to me as I would expect the jump to stop moving forward rather than the character turning ... maybe check out Mario ... I could be wrong but there was something that is a little off. Otherwise it feels pretty tight, nice work!

Really nice, I like the mid air moving, maybe have it optional or tweakable? The 'moving platforms no problem' took me 3 minutes+ to pass, don't know if that's my unskilled platformer skills, probably is...

Thanks guys! I will definitely consider all requests and suggestions. So keep them coming.

Flying Robot: Can you please give me an example of the wall climb mechanic you are talking about?

LampRabbit: The mid air movement mechanic is actually taken directly from the Mario series. After playing a little though, I did notice that the mid air movement effect is diminished compared to the actual jump's velocity. I will be tweaking this in the next update, thanks for the tip!

parallel: I think having the option to toggle mid air movement on or off is a good idea. Some platformers use it, some don't. As for the platforms, I think after some tweaking in an actual game scenario, they would become more friendly. Maybe I should change it if others are having trouble at that part as well. Thanks for the input.


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