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Find Closest - Now with an Ignore Owner option

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Neural Echo:
Here's a slightly modified version of the built-in Find Closest action that optionally allows the user to ignore the object that owns the FSM that contains this action.

To update the built-in action with this version, replace the code inside the Assets/PlayMaker/Actions/FindClosest.cs script with the code below.

--- Code: ---// (c) Copyright HutongGames, LLC 2010-2011. All rights reserved.

using UnityEngine;

namespace HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions
[Tooltip("Finds the closest object to the specified Game Object.\nOptionally filter by Tag and Visibility.")]
public class FindClosest : FsmStateAction
public FsmOwnerDefault gameObject;
public FsmString withTag;
[Tooltip("If checked, ignores the object that owns this FSM.")]
public bool ignoreOwner;
public FsmBool mustBeVisible;
public FsmGameObject storeObject;
public FsmFloat storeDistance;
public bool everyFrame;

public override void Reset()
gameObject = null;
withTag = "Untagged";
mustBeVisible = false;
storeObject = null;

public override void OnEnter()

if (!everyFrame)

public override void OnUpdate()

void DoFindClosest()
GameObject go = gameObject.OwnerOption == OwnerDefaultOption.UseOwner ? Owner : gameObject.GameObject.Value;

GameObject[] objects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(withTag.Value);
GameObject closestObj = null;
var closestDist = Mathf.Infinity;

foreach (var obj in objects)
if (ignoreOwner && obj == Owner)

if (mustBeVisible.Value && !ActionHelpers.IsVisible(obj))

var dist = (go.transform.position - obj.transform.position).sqrMagnitude;
if (dist < closestDist)
closestDist = dist;
closestObj = obj;

storeObject.Value = closestObj;
storeDistance.Value = closestDist;

--- End code ---

Nice! Will test this out. Thank you for sharing!

For some reason, the ignore owner feature seems to still target itself.  Could it be because there's been some sort of update to playmaker since this was released?

I'm attaching a new version of Find Closest 2 because I fixed a bug in the "Ignore Owner" check which would still pick the owner even if that was checked.

if its a bugfix only I would suggest to keep the same script name :)


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