PlayMaker Feedback > Feature Requests

Search for state/action/text in FSMs in a scene/multiple scenes


It will be 100% useful to have the following 2 search functionalities in Playmaker:

1) search inside FSMs to search for text to search for an action/variable/description/property value (like the name of an animation)/state name etc. Having some filter possibilities to search through all or just through state descriptions, or actions (like the project explorer search filter from Unity) and display in a search results window the list of results.
When clicking on the results it will focus in the FSM at that found text and do a short focus animation on the found element / text / action / state.

2) search the same things mentioned above but in all the selected scenes not only the currently loaded scene. This would mean that in the search results window something like this would appear:
"SceneA -> AIControllerFSM -> SmoothLookAt..."
"SceneD -> GoingHomeFSM -> SmoothLookAt..."

Clicking on one of the search results would ask you if you want to load the selected scene if it's not loaded already and go open the FSM window and focus on the found result.

This feature will help productivity so much! It's very hard to remember where you've put some action or where you've used some animation or if someone new comes in the project and there are very many FSMs throughout the scenes and he wants to know where in the FSMs is a certain function X callead.

What do you think?


 this is a system that I am slowly working on as an addon which scans the entire project and produce an XML description of everything PlayMaker related, and therefore expose this xml to the great XmlPath system which allows for very complex search request and complex result handling.

 so yes, it's coming :) hopefully by the end of this year.



What happened to this. Our project is quite complex and not having a search ability is making it nearly impossible to debug. Any updates??


 Not progressing much on that front unfortunatly, the task is daunting indeed...




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