
Author Topic: How to do kicking in first person?  (Read 301 times)


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How to do kicking in first person?
« on: March 18, 2024, 12:37:10 AM »
Hello this is my first post, I want to add kicking to my first person controller, heres an example: So the player can push objects and/or some Npcs.
I wanted to know conceptually how would I go about doing this. As the previous steps in making the controller were easy this seems far more tricky.

Heres were my mind is:
I could do a Raycast in front of the player and apply force to any game object that collides with it in the opposite direction of the camera, making the player object project that raycast through its Main FSM and then having the kickable objects have a state to check if they are colliding with the specific ray. However im not entirely sure if this is the best way of making this or if theres an easier way to go about it. 

Im learning about playmaker really fast but Im kinda new so I dont know most of the actions.