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Share New Actions / change texture to linear in runtime action.
« Last post by gssev on Today at 06:53:50 AM »
Hi, I created and action that can set a texture at runtime to linear. this is helpful if you are importing normal maps from an url etc at runtime as they need to be set to linear in unity or they will not work correctly.
PlayMaker Tutorials / Re: Working multiplayer chat using playmaker
« Last post by mariakenneth on Today at 05:50:35 AM »
I understand you're having trouble setting up a working chat system using Unity networking with Playmaker. It sounds like the main issue is with sending RPCs, which need to be done through some custom coding rather than directly through Playmaker. Grabbing the variables set in Playmaker and ensuring they're being set correctly could be where the setup is breaking down. I'd recommend trying to isolate those specific problems and seeking more detailed guidance on implementing the networking and RPC functionality you need. Let me know if you have any other questions!
That's great that you were able to develop your own game using Playmaker, despite not having a computer science background. It's impressive that you were able to create a free game called "Mad Robot" after taking the GameDevUnlock 7 day Challenge course. Best of luck with your game development journey!
The save system for Invector Character Controllers has been completely rebuilt from scratch, offering numerous improvements. The new system features ten slots for saving and loading, with the added functionality of renaming each slot for better organization. Inventory data is also auto-saved upon loading, ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience.


Could this information please be removed:

The current status: Demo files updated
PlayMaker Bug Reporting / Get new info about important moment
« Last post by mikenike on May 29, 2024, 01:22:58 PM »
Pendant la canicule, notre thermopompe a cessé de refroidir l'air, ce qui nous a causé beaucoup de désagréments. Nous avons commencé à chercher un service de réparation fiable et sommes tombés sur le site web C'est un site très convivial, toutes les informations sont accessibles et claires. La description des services est claire, il est facile de trouver ce dont on a besoin. Nous avons été surpris par les primes et les réductions intéressantes accordées aux nouveaux clients. Nous avons rempli une demande en ligne et le technicien est arrivé le lendemain et a rapidement résolu le problème. Maintenant notre pompe thermique fonctionne parfaitement, merci pour ce service de qualité.
PlayMaker Help / Re: The hitObject is not changed
« Last post by djaydino on May 29, 2024, 12:31:13 AM »
you need to turn on 'every frame' on the actions

but i also think that there should be a compare tag action instead of converting to string
PlayMaker Help / Change values in project settings URP Global Settings
« Last post by Kurisu Kurosu on May 28, 2024, 08:51:50 PM »
Hey, i'm new using Playmaker and Unity. So I might missed it in the Actions list.
I want to change values for Vignette in the Project Settings found under Graphics > URP Global Settings > Vignette > Intensity 0 to 0.25 if the player is low on health. But I don't know how to access these parts with the Playmaker Actions.

Playmaker version: 1.9.8.f1
Unity version: 2023.2.17f1
User Showcase / Re: The Last Warmage Demo Released!
« Last post by MichaelEvans on May 28, 2024, 04:53:26 AM »
Wow. This will definitely be very interesting.
PlayMaker Help / PropertyDrawer.EditField returning a reflection error.
« Last post by Papatwika on May 27, 2024, 11:52:17 AM »

We are using a custom property drawer to set fsmVariable values in custom FsmStateAction classes (ref: FsmStateAction.PNG). This was working when we were using version 1.7.8, but we recently upgraded Playmaker to version 1.9.7 and since then, we are getting this error message when trying to assign a variable (global or local). (ref: ErrorMessage.PNG)

We are using PropertyDrawer.EditField (ref: EditField.PNG), and pre-upgraded values are still correctly set and working, we just can't set new values or edit currently set values.

Not sure if its a bug or we need to do something differently, but any guidance would be immensely appreciated!
PlayMaker Help / Re: Red text on actions window
« Last post by stigma on May 27, 2024, 03:44:35 AM »
it is normal that it is red.  :)
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