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Mouse Look issue[SOLVED]

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Never mind, i just tested that but i get some strange behavior.

i made recently a mouse invert and added an offset to it.

in the attachment below i added a scene (with a setup) + the action
as you will need to convert 360 value to a -180/+180 it is best to check the scene.

i did not have a lot of testing, so pls let me know if it works :)

Man I see what you did there! Quite cool  :D
It works, but I wonder: isn't it a bit intricate? Wouldn't it be simpler to just take the actual object coordinates and update the script rotation variables at start?

Btw, to INVERT the directions of MouseLook, just put negative coordinates in the sensitivity  ;D

Tested the action: seems to be working perfectly. The only thing is the secondary object to orient annoyance, but for now it will be ok.
Thank you very much!  :-*

I will see if i can add this inside the action when i get home.

Another problem with the MouseLook action: it's not possible to use it as a child of any imported object that comes from a modeling software that uses Z as axis up, because the object gets naturally rotated by -90 degrees on the X axis and you end up rotating around the Z axis (horizontal) instead than the Y axis.
The MouseLook action seems to be using RELATIVE coordinates to the parent object instead than world coordinates.


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