
Author Topic: Itween Rotate In Specific Direction  (Read 1454 times)


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  • Posts: 47
Itween Rotate In Specific Direction
« on: June 03, 2016, 05:47:03 PM »

I am using Itween Rotate Update to rotate a camera around a character to a Transform Rotation. The Transform Rotation is a game object rotated in a certain direction at the center of the character. The camera is a child of a parent. I want to have the parent of the camera rotate from the right or left at specific times. The Itween stops when the parent and the camera have reached the Transform Rotations direction. Is there a way to tell Itween to begin rotation clockwise or counter clockwise? Right now, Itween Rotate Update just rotates in the direction it chooses. 

Thank you for any help.
