
Author Topic: UWP Build error  (Read 1848 times)


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UWP Build error
« on: June 08, 2017, 02:43:03 PM »
UWP Build Failed
This is an issue I've been encountering for 2 days. I'm using Unity 5.6 with Playmaker and EasySave2 plugins. I'm trying to Build for UWP and I can get as far as building the Visual Studio solution, but when I import it to Visual Studio 2017 I get this error: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error The command ""C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Unity\Tools\AssemblyConverter.exe" -platform=uap -lock="C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\project.lock.json" -bits=32 -configuration=Release -removeDebuggableAttribute=False -uwpsdk=10.0.15063.0 -path="." -path="C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\MetroSupport\Players\UAP\dotnet\x86\Release" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\Assembly-CSharp.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\isagons-Be\UnityEngine.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\nunit.framework.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\UnityEngine.UI.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\UnityEngine.HoloLens.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\UnityEngine.Networking.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\ES2.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\PlayMaker.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\UnityEngine.VR.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\ConditionalExpression.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\MoodkieSecurity.dll"" exited with code 1. Dragons-Be C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\Dragons-Be.csproj 316

I tried expanding the build out to include Diagnostic but it's not isolating the issue. I contacted Moodkie, since the problem seems to relate to my EasySave2 plugin, but they couldn't find a solution since no specific error was returned. Only thing I can make of it is that it's not finding them? Any suggestions on what the issue is and what solution I can use for it? Are there any other steps I have to take to deploy to Windows Store?

Edit: I did notice I was getting errors similar to this during the build process:
Reference Rewrite found some errors while running command --target="Temp\StagingArea\Assembly-CSHarp-firstpass.dll"

It doesn't stop the build so it's not a critical error but I wonder if that might be why the solution won't build? Has anyone else had problems building the solution from Visual Studio?
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 09:30:01 PM by Seiryu33 »


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Re: UWP Build error
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2017, 06:08:00 PM »
Bumping this. I have no idea how to resolve this. Whatever the cause is, it's affecting Playmaker too. Am I missing a step? Is there a certain setup I need for it to work on Uwp? To be clear everything is fine until the import to Visual Studio.