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[solved] Playmaker for stateflow character animation??


Perhaps a silly question, but I just came across playMaker and am REALLY REALLY hoping that it allows works with blending character animations through state flow.  It seems like the most logical use for it IMO, but I haven't seen any examples or proof that it can be used in that way.

<fingers crossed>  

If it does, I'm buying!

Alex Chouls:
It sure does! Event driven FSMs are very good at organizing animation states. You can also use internal variables to control blending, animation speed etc.

Check out the animation actions here:

We are also playing around with some advanced animation actions that let you build complex blends and introduce procedural animation (inspired by the modifiers in Havok Behavior). I'll post those when they're ready to test!

YES!!!  I'm sold!  Thanks so much  ;D


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