
Author Topic: Skinned Mesh, bones and FSM behaviour  (Read 1383 times)


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  • Posts: 25
    • Torii games
Skinned Mesh, bones and FSM behaviour
« on: June 09, 2015, 09:06:20 AM »
Hello there,

I'm stuck with a problem between animation and FSM.

First, i've made a "bobbit worm" (or sort of). He's skinned and animated with XSI.
In Unity, the mesh is ok, and anim too. All is good. (Have Idle and Attack animation)

Second, i've made an FSM , with the behavior of "look at" target .
I've put some configurable joints on his spine. And it's work great !

But, when i want to mix both (animation and behavior "look at"), the skinned animation is taking over.

I've try to use "Animate physics" on the Animation component, but it doesn't work at all.

How can i resolve this problem? Is there an order to respect in the construction of FSM?

Thanks for your help!