
Author Topic: Photon - Making teams with playmaker - need help please  (Read 1104 times)

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Photon - Making teams with playmaker - need help please
« on: January 07, 2016, 08:16:19 PM »
Hello and thanks for reading,
So, I am making an arena game using playmaker and photon servers. I have finished the UI system and am about to start work on game-play.

But I don't know how to go about creating teams fairly and effectively. In say a 3v3, the first 3 to join the room will be team 1 and the last 3, team 2. How would I go about saying "these 3 are team 1 and the others team 2"?

I just frankly don't know where to start, was thinking to just use to the players number (the counter tracking max players) to dole out the team, but anyone ever do this? know how to create a solid team algorithm?

Just point me in the right direction and I can go from there, Thanks for your help in advance.
