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NGUI Update Label Text

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This is actually from a paid-for action pack, was wondering if it's just something that by it's very nature is processor intensive. I'm subtracting 30 ammo each frame while the player is firing, converting that as a string and sending it thru a NGUI Update Label Text action. NGUI Update Label Text is grinding gameplay to a halt.

I've specified ammo as a global int var using playmaker, is there a good way to get NGUI to display that value?


 Are you testing this in Editor or is it on the device or published version?

 Such feature should not halt your game at all, I guess something very wrong is happening here. Do you have Unity pro? maybe you profile the game and see what exactly is taking time.

else, you need to cut down your problem, disable features one by one to see which one is taking so long. then you can work on that feature to improve it or find another way.



Hi Jean,

I'm testing it in the editor. Unfortunately, I don't have Unity Pro. I'd disabled the NGUI Update Label Text and found that to be the culprit. I wrote the creator of the action pack, I hope to hear back from him soon.

Update, haven't heard back but ran a build and the game seems unaffected. The halt grinding only occurs in the editor. I get other errors (messages) depending on whether or not I run the window maximized or not.


 Which paid asset are you using? Have you contacted the author already to enquire?




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