
Author Topic: Smooth Look At Direction - Rotate full 360 instead of between 0-180?  (Read 604 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 1

I am a Unity beginner and appreciating the visual scripting approach of Playmaker.

My noob question is, I'm working on a 2.5D platformer and using Smooth Look At Direction to turn my x-axis constrained rigid body character to face left or right (+x, -x). Works well, but when the character rotates to face left or right, she only turns back and forth AWAY from the camera. How can I adjust this so she turns AWAY from the camera only when turning left (-X), but turns TOWARDS the camera only when turning back to the right (+X), to complete a full 360 turn.

Not sure how clear my question is, happy to elaborate further if this doesn't make sense. Would love any insight.
