
Author Topic: Update Foot IK Raycaster Pos  (Read 942 times)


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Update Foot IK Raycaster Pos
« on: August 22, 2019, 04:21:29 PM »
I am trying to setup some Foot IK for a 3rd Person Human character using Playmaker.  I have this mostly working during movement, however the feet lag behind the body when returning to Idle leaving the legs "stretched". 

I am questioning if I may be updating my Raycast position in the wrong order.
I thought I may need to get the Animator foot position in a different Update, i.e, OnAnimatorMove or OnAnimatorIK, in order to allow the Animator to properly update the Position.

Currently I handle this Position update within one state in the following order.

The feet move by the Animator and the animation curve engages IK weight with each foot contact. 

Also, this Raycast is setup on an empty/child object of the primary Player object so that it can be repositioned as needed with the Ray Hit Point being sent to another FSM.

Any insight would be much appreciated
