Playmaker Forum

PlayMaker Help & Tips => PlayMaker Help => Topic started by: Lifevirus on April 03, 2016, 08:09:37 PM

Title: Playmaker and Sourcetree/git[SOLVED]
Post by: Lifevirus on April 03, 2016, 08:09:37 PM

I've been having some trouble with versioning my project via Git and Sourcetree.

It seems that everything that another member attempts to download the project and open it it always shows multiple broken FSMs (nearly 2k FSMs) and he can't work on anything since  the FMS prevent most of it. Many of the errors are just FINISHED events being removed but there's far to many to count.

Is there a issue with Playmaker and Git/Sourcetree? I've seen in other areas that Playmaker isn't compatible and/or that I should just package out the project and go that way. I'm using a gitignore and it downloads the .DLL and everything so I'm confused as to what is causing the massive loss of FMS structure when attempting to download via SourceTree.

Any help would be amazing as it's really becoming a burden outside of custom packaging the project out.

Title: Re: Playmaker and Sourcetree/git
Post by: jeanfabre on April 04, 2016, 02:05:43 AM

 If it's a private git, you can include the dll, but be carefull, if it's a public, you need to rule out the PlayMaker dlls.

 Is it giving you problem for the same version of Unity and PlayMaker? have you tried cloning on the same computer but on a different folder. If you clone and import a different version of PlayMaker, it may be a problem.

Try this:

Also, Can you precise what you mean by loss of Fsm's structure?

Can you also paste your gitignore file?


Title: Re: Playmaker and Sourcetree/git
Post by: Lifevirus on April 06, 2016, 06:38:49 PM

Sorry for taking so long I wanted to make sure the package worked first but it didn't.

Here's the .gitignore I was using before updating it to the newer version via the GitHub site.


# Autogenerated VS/MD solution and project files

# Unity3D generated meta files

# Unity3D Generated File On Crash Reports

New Version (Not sure if it's even doing it since it was already pushed to the repo)

# =============== #
# Unity generated #
# =============== #
# ===================================== #
# Visual Studio / MonoDevelop generated #
# ===================================== #
# ============ #
# OS generated #
# ============ #

What I mean by FMS structure is it seem that certain FMS like Trigger 2d enter seems to just lose their finish event selection (IE. FINISHED, etc.) for no reason. It's just cloned and on the new computer it's just not there and we have to reset the FMS to properly finish the state. Another one I noticed was Activate Game Object also drops what game object it refers to. Not sure if that was part of the original update to the script but it was happening before too. It seems that either git or Sourcetree isn't holding certain FMS data and just dropping once it's in there.

I can't seem to clone it again on my computer ( getting a index pack failure) but even if I have a coworker clone it is the same issue but i'll keep trying to clone it if i can. We were also having this similar issue were if the librarys were correct it would cause the same problem since one time I had sent my Library direct to them and it somehow fixed the problem. So i'm a little loss as to if it's the library or GIT since I'm sharing the .dll file for playmaker.
Title: Re: Playmaker and Sourcetree/git
Post by: Lifevirus on April 12, 2016, 02:57:24 PM
Figured I would bump this once as I still need the assistance with why i'm losing the prefab connections to Activate Game Object and 2d Trigger Enter losing the finish event.
Title: Re: Playmaker and Sourcetree/git
Post by: Lifevirus on April 15, 2016, 12:36:55 AM
Ok. I figured it out though it's kinda weird.

It seems that my version of Unity and Playmaker wasn't automatically error checking my FMS and once I forced it to I got the same errors as my coworkers.

One is :Transition missing in target state (See screenshot 1) - Fixed by removing the Finished state in the False Event part (It uses the MultiTags asset)
The other is: Missing Field.. (Fixed by replacing the Finished event)

The second one is odd because you would figure that even without the actual FINISHED event it would still continue the state without being specifically directed to. The first one is odd since, for all intent, the state should be right unless you need to direct a transition regardless of it's intended effect now. That and I swear I had that already set to finish so i'm not sure if Playmaker removed it somehow or i'm just dumb.

So it wasn't git in the end. Though I'm still a little loss what would prevent the auto checking and allow that to run in game. You can marked this as solved.
Title: Re: Playmaker and Sourcetree/git
Post by: jeanfabre on April 15, 2016, 01:28:51 AM

 Ok, yeah, thanks for letting us know.

 When you share a git, editor player preferences aren't part of the repository, so the way you setup Unity pref and PlayMaker Pref can be different and in your cased, played a small trick on you unfortunatly...

your second issue might be something currently fixed in the beta. Depending on how you updated that project, these glitches are happening.

If you still have such errors, let us know ok? We can get you in the beta for you t test and benefit from the latest fixes.


Title: Re: Playmaker and Sourcetree/git[SOLVED]
Post by: Lifevirus on April 15, 2016, 08:37:39 PM
Not off hand because with the "Transition Missing Target State" I simply removed the event that was causing the issue all together (it was at the end of the FMS anyways so the false event on a game object compare wasn't really needed) but honestly, I'd love to be in the beta since I use playmaker alot in the project and it'll help both me in having further issues and you guys by getting additional feedback.
Title: Re: Playmaker and Sourcetree/git[SOLVED]
Post by: jeanfabre on April 20, 2016, 02:32:09 AM

 Good, I am glad you sorted it.

 simply contact us, explaining you want to join the beta, you'll need to give us a valid gmail address for this. so pm me.

