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Dragging NGUI Label or Button to GameObject fields[SOLVED]

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Hi Jean,

I've been trying this for days, and just can't get it to work.

First, I have the purchased Playmaker NGUI Scripts asset from the store, as well as the package you said to install.

I don't get how the right click menu works. To work with a label, is the Property GUIText -> text?

But here's the weirdest part. I set up a new scene, but with the same Hierarchy. I dropped in NGUI Playmaker Proxy from your asset, and Playmaker NGUI Delegates from the asset store asset. I set everything up the same. Now, when I drag the label over to the action NGUI Label Set Text, it goes in the slot just fine! Back in my other scene, doing the same thing always pops up the context menu, even when I just want to use these other actions.

How can I use this without the context menu preventing me from accessing these other actions?




 Are you sure you are using the latest ngui and latest playmaker bridge? can you double check that?



Hi Jean,

Sorry I didn't see this. I was using the latest, but by the point you posted I had already dropped NGUI and am now using Daikon Forge. They have a ton of Playmaker actions already made, and I'm finding it a lot more intuitive with Playmaker.




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