
Author Topic: Nubie help - accessing a FSM variable from an external script  (Read 1521 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 25

Help for a nubie.

What am I missing?  I am trying to learn how to access FSM variables from unity scripts.

I am setting the variable "URL" with a value of "" in an FSM called "FSM1".

The next FSM called "FSM2" calls a script/method to print its value in the console.

Here is the scripts code I am trying to get to work:

Code: [Select]
#pragma strict
var currentURL : String;

function Start () {


function Update () {


//called from FSM inside
function SetUrl(URL:String)
print(" url is set to "+currentURL);


I have tried setting URL to a global variable (no joy) and as a private variable (again no joy). 

I am pretty sure that I am not referencing properly but am at a loss as to how to access and manipulate FSM variables by scripts.

