
Author Topic: Android Native - Does the PlayMaker action for Billing work?  (Read 1458 times)


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OK, so I've been working my way through the Android Native playmaker actions... some have been fine (like Achievements), others don't work properly (like Leaderboards - it doesn't report the playmaker global int that you select), and now I'm on to the Billing actions.

The initialisation action works fine, and returns a success.

The AndroidBillingPurchaseAction action isn't working for me, but I don't know whether it's a store set-up problem (doubtful), or a playmaker action problem again. The set-up seems to be ok, and the product matches that on my Play Services Dev Console.

When the Play Store window is shown, it gives an error that the selected item couldn't be found.

Is anyone using Android Native?
Jean, you said you'd be testing the actions last month, did that happen?

Stan has said that he doesn't have much experience with PlayMaker and seems to be winging it. The fact that global variables aren't submitted through the Leaderboard action indicates that the actions need testing by someone who can identify where the problems are occuring - I'm afraid I don't have those skills/knowledge, so all I can do is confirm if something does/doesn't work.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 07:41:47 PM by jess84 »