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PlayMaker Help / Re: How do I change material properties in PlayMaker?
« Last post by ameliawillson on June 01, 2024, 01:23:04 AM »
Thanks for the reply, it was really helpful! Just wanted to add that there are some fantastic resources available to students who might be struggling with a management essay. Many universities offer writing centers or online tutorials that can provide guidance on research, structure, and clear writing. Additionally, you can check out this great service:

PlayMaker Help / Get Location Info & StartLocationService help
« Last post by zzap64 on June 01, 2024, 12:10:13 AM »

Im trying to get the users location on iOS device. (lat and long)
Using the Get Location Info action however the wiki mentions to use StartLocationService beforehand but I’m struggling where to find this ?
Same issue. Let me know if you can solve this! :(
It's impressive that you create your own game without going to a tech school. I will try it out and give you feedback
PlayMaker Help / Re: PropertyDrawer.EditField returning a reflection error.
« Last post by Papatwika on May 30, 2024, 11:38:41 AM »
I was able to resolve my issue by making another Propertydrawer class for the "insert" subclass. Doing this, I could use an overload of the EditField method:

public void EditField(string fieldName, object fieldValue, object[] attributes)

This method works without giving me the reflection error.
User Showcase / Re: The Last Warmage Demo Released!
« Last post by AlekGavaj on May 30, 2024, 09:58:44 AM »
Thank you!
I hope you will enjoy the game!
Share New Actions / change texture to linear in runtime action.
« Last post by gssev on May 30, 2024, 06:53:50 AM »
Hi, I created and action that can set a texture at runtime to linear. this is helpful if you are importing normal maps from an url etc at runtime as they need to be set to linear in unity or they will not work correctly.
PlayMaker Tutorials / Re: Working multiplayer chat using playmaker
« Last post by mariakenneth on May 30, 2024, 05:50:35 AM »
I understand you're having trouble setting up a working chat system using Unity networking with Playmaker. It sounds like the main issue is with sending RPCs, which need to be done through some custom coding rather than directly through Playmaker. Grabbing the variables set in Playmaker and ensuring they're being set correctly could be where the setup is breaking down. I'd recommend trying to isolate those specific problems and seeking more detailed guidance on implementing the networking and RPC functionality you need. Let me know if you have any other questions!
That's great that you were able to develop your own game using Playmaker, despite not having a computer science background. It's impressive that you were able to create a free game called "Mad Robot" after taking the GameDevUnlock 7 day Challenge course. Best of luck with your game development journey!
The save system for Invector Character Controllers has been completely rebuilt from scratch, offering numerous improvements. The new system features ten slots for saving and loading, with the added functionality of renaming each slot for better organization. Inventory data is also auto-saved upon loading, ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience.


Could this information please be removed:

The current status: Demo files updated
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