
Author Topic: Boxcastall - Please?  (Read 1752 times)


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Boxcastall - Please?
« on: May 20, 2018, 06:49:07 PM »
Edit 2: I actually ended up hiring someone to fix it. We've gotten the boxcastall to WORK but it wont return distances. Raycastall requires a second action, get raycast all info to collect distances to array. That same process is not quite working with boxcastall but bedtime had called and we'll keep working at it. Then the custom action(s) will be available for others! :D

Edit: Been trying to script this myself for the past hours since posting. Help would really be appreciated, I can't move forward.

There is no box cast all in ecosystem, only the standard boxcast. I tried every raycast type available, but the others don't save distances/objects to arrays.

While there is a wonderful box cast in the ecosystem, it doesn't save to arrays and only gathers the first object hit. I just can't seem to script it to work.

Help is sorely appreciated. There are no scripting examples in the Unity Documentation or specific youtube videos for it that I can find.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2018, 05:09:16 AM by Wolfride »