PlayMaker News > Work In Progress...

2.5D Arcade Platformer

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Hey there,

Been working on another little prototype, this time a small arcade platformer. The goal is to make a simple high score game with gameplay that is something like a single-screen Donkey Kong Country.

Here's a video of the current build:

Still early days, but got the basics in there for now. The one-way platforms were a bit of an adventure to do, but I'm happy with how they work.

I've got a rough idea of what sorts of other enemies I want to have, but I'm going to spend a bit more time fleshing them out so that they each feel distinct. I want there to be a little bit of strategy involved in defeating the enemies, instead of just jumping on their heads blindly.


I keep thinking of small arms or a super smash bros game when I watch this video.

Super Smash Bros. is the main influence behind the sort of level I want to make.

I see. This was the second thought I had after I watched your video.


Oh cool! I hadn't seen this before :)

Here's a webplayer of the current build:

Let me know what you all think :)

WASD/cursor Keys to move, space to jump, left shift to restart.


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