
Author Topic: Simple Waypoint System, how to get this thing working?  (Read 3567 times)


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Simple Waypoint System, how to get this thing working?
« on: October 28, 2013, 06:57:37 PM »
Hey everyone. I just started using Playmaker, so far - it's superawesome!
Sorry for asking guys a rookie question about sws with playmaker, but I'm still trying to figure out how to intigrate sws with playmaker.

what I want to achieve:

1 Object (my gamefigure) 1 path.
If a box collide with another, my gamefigure should start walking on that path, switching the idle animation to a running animation.

I've got to managed to switch the animation states with Trigger events, but i have no clue how to use your playmaker scripts to "put" the gamefigure on the path, focusing on the path direction / waypoints and walk on the path.

could you help me out with that? that would be super awesome!

I've checked the forum and there seems to be a solution:

Just solved this weekends problem with SWS, had the same hard time as you understanding it, but here's how I solved mine:
I prefabed my paths. Made a manager gameobject with Waypoint Manager on it and a FSM which could SetPath to two different paths via GetKey. The player object was dropped in Gameobject and the prefabbed path dropped in PathObject (didn't seem to work when you both named the path and dropped one in below). Oh and the player had a HoMove script on it with 'play on start' set to on.

but I have no clue what the user parallel is talking there :'D


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Re: Simple Waypoint System, how to get this thing working?
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2013, 10:10:24 PM »
but I have no clue what the user parallel is talking there :'D
I don't blame you, I hardly have a clue what the idea is either :)

Had a look at the old files, but they are corrupt, the get path and set pathnode are missing actions. But, it looks like you just have to drag the move script on to your character fsm and then get/set property, choose 'move to path' to toggle it.