
Author Topic: Controller Jump constantly getting stuck in mid-air  (Read 432 times)


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Controller Jump constantly getting stuck in mid-air
« on: February 11, 2023, 07:08:02 PM »
I am following a tutorial for making a thirdperson character movement.
I have a simple setup in terms of FSMs
-Set up Inputs for "Jump" to be bound to Spacebar
-Player Input Buttons Events, Input Action: Player/Jump, Is Pressed Event: Jump
-Jump Event links to New State: (Controller Jump, Set Animation Trigger)
-Landed Event: Goes to Transition back to Character Move

Sometimes it'll execute as intended, Player walks and jumps. But sometimes the player will just get caught mid air. No reason, just gets stuck. Then after a while the character will fall. It happens at random, no real rhyme or reason. Sometimes it'll execute flawlessly for 30 minutes, but then randomly I'll hit play, jump, character will freeze in the air. 
I have no clue what I can do to solve this, it seems like no matter what I do, it'll still catch and my character will get stuck mid air for a few seconds. 
I tried:
-Editing Jump Height, changing Jump Speed Multiplier, changing Gravity Multiplier, Fall Multiplier,
-Adding a Move Position to "force" the character to go down
-Adding Set Vector to "force" the character down
-Adding Set Gravity to "force" character down.

Nothing works, and the character WILL eventually get caught mid air.

First Image: Moving/Wait for "Jump" command

Second Image: Jumping and Landing