
Author Topic: Making OverlapSphere custom action(additionally finds closest collider)  (Read 2448 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 2
Hello all, i'm currently trying to create a custom action that uses Physics.OverlapSphere, and stores the closest collider in the array in a vector 3 variable. I've got most of the code down, except when i play the action, the stated variable for the vector 3 is reset to no variable no matter what i try.

Here is my code
Code: [Select]
using UnityEngine;

namespace HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions
[Tooltip("Casts a Sphere into the worldspace and returns an array of the hit colliders")]
public class OverlapSphere : FsmStateAction
[Tooltip("Start ray at game object position. \nOr use From Position parameter.")]
public FsmOwnerDefault fromGameObject;

[Tooltip("Start ray at a vector3 world position. \nOr use Game Object parameter.")]
public FsmVector3 fromPosition;

[Tooltip("The radius of the sphere")]
public FsmFloat radius;

[Tooltip("Event to send if the sphere hits an object.")]
public FsmEvent hitEvent;

[Tooltip("Set a bool variable to true if hit something, otherwise false.")]
public FsmBool storeDidHit;

[Tooltip("Store the game object hit in a variable.")]
public FsmVector3 storeHitObject;

[Tooltip("Set how often to cast the sphere. 0 = once, don't repeat; 1 = everyFrame; 2 = every other frame... \nSince raycasts can get expensive use the highest repeat interval you can get away with.")]
public FsmInt repeatInterval;

[Tooltip("Pick only from these layers.")]
public FsmInt[] layerMask;

[Tooltip("Invert the mask, so you pick from all layers except those defined above.")]
public FsmBool invertMask;

int repeat;

public override void Reset()
fromGameObject = null;
fromPosition = new FsmVector3 { UseVariable = true };
radius = 100;
hitEvent = null;
storeDidHit = null;
storeHitObject = null;
repeatInterval = 1;
layerMask = new FsmInt[0];

public override void OnEnter()

if (repeatInterval.Value == 0)
public override void OnUpdate()

if (repeat == 0)

void DoOverlapSphere()
repeat = repeatInterval.Value;

if (radius.Value == 0)

var go = Fsm.GetOwnerDefaultTarget(fromGameObject);

var originPos = go != null ? go.transform.position : fromPosition.Value;

var Radius = radius.Value;

float minDist = Mathf.Infinity;

Transform nearest = null;

Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(originPos, Radius, ActionHelpers.LayerArrayToLayerMask(layerMask, invertMask.Value));

foreach(Collider hit in colliders)

                float dist = Vector3.Distance(originPos, hit.transform.position);

                if (dist < minDist)

                    minDist = dist;

                    nearest = hit.transform;

storeHitObject = nearest.position;


It would be more advantaegous if i can find the closest object, and store it in a gameObject variable.