
Author Topic: Script controls  (Read 1677 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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Script controls
« on: May 18, 2015, 10:10:59 AM »
Hi all, I was wondering if there was a quick and simple way I could add start, pause and stop actions to this script for image sequences I came across...

Code: [Select]
using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 

public class ImageSequenceSingleTexture : MonoBehaviour 

//A texture object that will output the animation 
private Texture texture; 
//With this Material object, a reference to the game object Material can be stored 
private Material goMaterial; 
//An integer to advance frames 
private int frameCounter = 0; 

//A string that holds the name of the folder which contains the image sequence 
public string folderName; 
//The name of the image sequence 
public string imageSequenceName; 
//The number of frames the animation has 
public int numberOfFrames; 

//The base name of the files of the sequence 
private string baseName; 

void Awake() 

//Get a reference to the Material of the game object this script is attached to 
this.goMaterial = this.GetComponent<Renderer>().material; 
//With the folder name and the sequence name, get the full path of the images (without the numbers) 
this.baseName = this.folderName + "/" + this.imageSequenceName; 

void Start () 

//set the initial frame as the first texture. Load it from the first image on the folder 
texture = (Texture)Resources.Load(baseName + "0000", typeof(Texture)); 

void Update () 

//Start the 'PlayLoop' method as a coroutine with a 0.04 delay 
StartCoroutine("PlayLoop", 0.04f); 
//Set the material's texture to the current value of the frameCounter variable 
goMaterial.mainTexture = this.texture; 

//The following methods return a IEnumerator so they can be yielded: 
//A method to play the animation in a loop 
IEnumerator PlayLoop(float delay) 

//wait for the time defined at the delay parameter 
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);   

//advance one frame 
frameCounter = (++frameCounter)%numberOfFrames; 

//load the current frame 
this.texture = (Texture)Resources.Load(baseName + frameCounter.ToString("D4"), typeof(Texture)); 

//Stop this coroutine 

//A method to play the animation just once 
IEnumerator Play(float delay) 

//wait for the time defined at the delay parameter 
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);   

//if it isn't the last frame 
if(frameCounter < numberOfFrames-1) 

//Advance one frame 

//load the current frame 
this.texture = (Texture)Resources.Load(baseName + frameCounter.ToString("D4"), typeof(Texture)); 

//Stop this coroutine 

(The code is from for those wondering.)

I wanted to control it with actions, so I was thinking some how making the functions all booleans I could just control with a set property action.

I should really learn code so I could do things like this myself!
