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Fixing IL2CPP linking errors[SOLVED]

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I get the build done. It is running, all of it. But the behavior is erroneous. Trigger Events happening on their own (this happened after I updated to the latest Playmaker today, I had the first version that came to support Unity 5 didn't happen before), and more things. The main menu only seems to be working properly, meaning as expected even though the output is going crazy. If you check above I edited my previous reply with some info.


 ok, this will need to be taken down piece by piece. Can you check that PlayMaker itself has no errors in the PlayMaker editor ( different from Unity own console and errors). Check this when playing in editor.

 then make a web build or  desktop build, if it behaves ok or not.

-- what kind of custom actions are you using? this is important, for examepl you mention trigger events. How do you work with trigger events, is it by listening for global system events, or using actions?



Ok so I built for armv7 using Mono works wonders, Android works wonders. Using IL2CPP I get what I already mentioned. My custom actions are some Game Data Editor that work fine no matter where I try. The trigger event I mentioned is a simple On Trigger Enter (Trigger Collider) event. I also have "EVERYPLAY_IPHONE;GDE_PLAYMAKER_SUPPORT" scripting define symbols. On Editor or any other platform I tried I get no errors or erroneous behavior. I wanted to pinpoint the cause but there is no "one cause". The things don't fit I am afraid. It is wide spectrum. I will drink some coffee forget about it for some time and then get back to it :)
Watching 2 months of non-stop work not behaving on a platform is never encouraging.
Even the Set Property for unity engine sprite renderer set sprite doesn't work.


 You should not use SetProperty when targeting iPhone, some work some doesn't, I never could make sense of the rule for this. I removed all SetProperties and built custom actions for each one of them, and all problems where gone from that front, that was before IL2CPP, but I we stick to this.



I made a custom action that simply calls some functions I want... I don't use the action... and here I got mindfucked: Any Set Property action I have that calls the same function miraculously works and the output leaves it out... dafuq? for me it is a win win. I think you should try this. I am so thankful for those caffeine and cigarette allnighters... so it is like adding words in a database. Strange (for me that is).


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