
Author Topic: Controlling iTween Move Add speed with slider  (Read 1338 times)


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Controlling iTween Move Add speed with slider
« on: November 05, 2015, 09:36:27 PM »
Hi everyone!
Recently saw the tutorial and i use the logic of the video in order to controlling the speed of the "move add speed - iTween" with a slider, but it doesnt work.

what i want is to move a game object to a specific position, and controlling the speed by a slider... and then, i want the speed value represents a bits per minute (bpm - musical measure), so the slider is pointing out 60, that number represents 60 bpm (60 bits per minute), so the game object its going to move to the selected position at a speed of 1 second.

Im trying to create like a sequencer type of game

Any suggestion?