
Author Topic: Dodgeroll  (Read 1091 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 40
« on: November 17, 2014, 04:12:08 PM »

I working on a Top Down SpaceShooter and I want that my Ship does a Dodgeroll when I doubleclick.

So what I have til now is....if I Doubleclick somewhere on a plane my ship moves to this hitpoint and rotates. But I also want to move it a little bit up and down again.

I tried it with an animation but when i Move it with iTween to a vector postion x,y,z=0 and then play an animation at the same time like...0,0,15 and back again....i take the animation position.
What means that the ship just moves 15 up and down on the 0,0 position.

My Question is:
How can I avoid this. I just want the ship moves to the point like always and move  up and down during the same time.

I hope you understand my problem.