
Author Topic: Enum Creator ***improved***  (Read 1159 times)

Broken Stylus

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Enum Creator ***improved***
« on: January 14, 2021, 05:47:10 AM »
New flavor!
We see that the Enum Creator can also work as an editor of previously created enums, since the full list of enums in a project is saved. That's very nice.
So, knowing this, here's a recommendation:

1. The 'Projects Folder' path should be grayed out when opening an already existing enumeration, otherwise it will save the actually opened/edited one at that path.
Then, as an already existing enum is now opened, there should however be an option to override the existing path. BUT if doing so, it should automatically move the enum to the new destination (the path).

2. There's also an option for reordering the entries but it says that references would be lost. That's because anywhere an action uses an enum in some way, it doesn't look for the value per se but the index (the line of a given entry that's being pointed at). A bit of reflection (?) here would be nice if the tool could actually check ALL the enum references and autoupdate them by the press of a button (and a little bit of patience until the process is completed).