PlayMaker News > User Showcase

Vanished: The Island ,..and a big THANK YOU! to playmaker and it's developer....

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yea we've had some decent press,....  My favorites being a review from Meg Stivison, at the IndieGameMagazine, and a cute little video by Jane Jones on her youtube channel.

however,  we've also had some more blaaaa mentions in things like the daily IGN update etc..., by a couple dudes..... who obviously didn't even play it, nor fit into our desired audience....   but the fact that IGN picked it as one of 3 apps to talk about from the weekend.... still makes us smile...

Anyway,...if any readers on this forum have advice on getting more traction in the European, or Asian countries,...please let us know....  or any other advice in general,.... we are a young company,...very receptive to critique,...and always trying to do better... :)

Congrats man it was nice try

If i may make a request:

Would you be willing to share here the post-mortem and maybe an outline as to your developing process? sure this is a site mainly for playmaker related stuff but i know that there are enough people here that would love to know some of the ins-and-outs of the game-development process and a post-mortem would be helpful since it might help us learn some of the "what to do's" and "what not to do's" that you've encountered on your own journey.

not to be one of those "this is how to do it" more a "this is how we did it" kinda thing so that people here can learn some of the things we're likely to face when making our own games.

... though, this makes me wish i had a compatable device to play it on (unless you've got a PC roll-out... in which case, spam the link to buy it plz! if it's affordable i'm sure that there are many people that'd like to play it!)

I'm currently, heavily engaged in the process of building the second, and even third chapter to the series.  As part of this, i'm taking time to improve my skill in the 3d asset pipeline,..and also prototyping puzzle ideas in playmaker.  Looking to take everything up a level in terms of presentation and gameplay.  We are very happy with what we accomplished on our first project, and also very realistic about what needs to happen to compete in the marketplace going forward.  I will discuss writing a post mortem with my team mates,... but it's possible we may want to wait a bit, to be able to include more specifics.

Yes a postmortem would be great especially keys to traction. I am making a similar genre game so very interested in this segment and any issues you ran into with Unity/Playmaker.



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