
Author Topic: FSM Editor Window + State tab == really slow editor  (Read 885 times)


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FSM Editor Window + State tab == really slow editor
« on: June 14, 2019, 11:59:34 AM »
Im on Unity 18.3.6 and PlayMaker 1.9.0p4 (which could be the problem)

This topic has been posted about before, but I wanted to potentially bring some new information to the table.  I had a simple scene, one FSM and about 45ms going to the OnGUI portion of the FSM editor window update.  It turns out that the slowdown only really appears to be a problem when then 'state' tab is selected.  If I have "FSM" or "Events" or "Variables" selected, then speed is not an issue.

I have a simple state machine (about 10 states maybe).  When I moved the selection area in the mini FSM display, the framerate shot up to something completely reasonable.  I even moved the selection back to where it was and the framerate stayed high.  Here is a profile capture showing first the profile with the game just started and the slow framerate followed by a profile of when I moved the selection rect in the mini view.  The third attachment shows the window I am talking about.

Before I moved the selection rect (i.e. it was a the position PlayMaker moved it when the FSM was activated).  Attachments show the before and after of moving the selecction rect in the state machine window.  I don't know specifically what is happening, but seems like just moving the rect solves the problem.

There are ways around this, but wanted to bring to your attention because for people that don't know, this can be a real killer of game framerate in editor.