PlayMaker Feedback > Action Requests

UMA integration


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I got on Skype and talked to these guys today and we were talking a bit about playMaker. They expressed some interest in looking into integrating with it.

UMA is basically a procedural character generator in which you can create unique character avatars from skinned assets you put in its library and you can build custom avatars with very specific constraints and many manipulator points including facial features and muscle/fat mass.

Its going to be a free asset with (supposedly) its own asset store category for user created content on the store. Very interesting.

I just got it yesterday and plan on tinkering with it tonight, so I'll try to get some feedback on what might be needed for it.


 Nice, for sure! Keep us updated, and I'll add this to the trello board if you want.



I would definitely put it on the trello board. It doesn't have a giant following yet but Unity is directly supporting it, mostly Caitlyn and Joen from what i hear.

I don't know about their API but the example project they provided is pretty nice. It seems like they're expecting to deliver the dll's, base assets, an example of random crowd avatar generation and individual manipulation of each avatar.. I managed to control it fairly well just with regular actions but I think it would be really awesome to see some direct access to the API via actions instead of butchering through the example scripts, they expect advanced end users to provide script sets to integrate into their games and other art users to build on its part library to add variety to the avatar builds.

A definitely wall currently is the lack of front end support from scripters, making it hard for average joe's to get into it.

Unique avatars can be save in a serialized .txt file and injected for use later, so you could build a base avatar and just load your player's customization per level if you wanted. I think I could literally build a system similar to bioware if I had a free weekend to work with the plugin.

Really cool project, it's awesome that they're providing it for free which seems to be due to [some kind of] step in from Unity.


 Done :)

 Don't forget to vote it up.





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