
Author Topic: Animation triggers not working properly  (Read 349 times)


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Animation triggers not working properly
« on: February 28, 2023, 10:00:42 PM »
I'm using mecanim and have my whole animation spaghetti thing going, and I go between animations using Triggers. The issue is that sometimes, without any rhyme or reason that I can see, certain animations in certain situations will fire once, then revert back to the animation it transitioned from.

I have listed conditions between every animation so that they don't cycle through without triggers. Usually this works. But right now I'm doing a cutscene and I simply can't get some of these animations to stick. They're supposed to loop, and even though Loop Time is checked, and I haven't used a Set Animation Trigger event to send it somewhere else, it returns to the previous state.

I don't understand. Does anyone else have this issue? It's even happened in older scenes where there was not previously a problem, suddenly the FSM that worked no longer works.