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Create object skipping frames. [SOLVED]

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I asked this on the Unity forums as I thought it was more of an engine thing but I'll ask here too.

When I create an object my game will skip a few frames so I was told to hide the object and use it when I need it. But what should I do if I need 10 of the same object? Just have 10 of them loaded from the start? Is there an action I've missed that would help me?

Ok, I got told, if want 10 of the objects in the scene, all 10 should be there from the start.

Is this the best way of doing it?

Alex Chouls:
This is generally called object pooling, where you re-use objects from a pool of pre-created objects instead of creating new objects while the game is running.

Here are some pooling systems compatible with Playmaker:

Or you could roll your own in Playmaker...

What Actions would I need to use if I was using playmaker?

Or do you mean keep the items off screen till I want them?

I'll get something working with them all loaded from the start and see how the phone handles it.

Thanks for the information.


 You can use something like pool manager plugins. I wrote some actions to go with this.




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