
Author Topic: www.texture and orthographic size  (Read 1618 times)


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www.texture and orthographic size
« on: August 01, 2012, 04:19:33 PM »
Hey everyone,

I am just getting in to playmaker and really like it. I have a script currently that downloads an image from my server and applies the image to a projector in to the _shadowTex. Unfortunately nothing I do will set the texture to clamp before it uses it within my app. Anyway I would like to try and get the function working within playmaker instead of using the script. Anyone have any ideas on that?

I am also trying to change the orthographic size of a projector either with a key press or with a mouse drag and changing a variable value. I have tried this using the camera_FOV action but I have not been able to get it to work and I am not sure if that is down to the camera_fov action not being compatible with a projector?

apologies for the 2 issues! any help would be much appreciated