
Author Topic: Prefabs trouble.. again  (Read 2134 times)


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Prefabs trouble.. again
« on: January 21, 2014, 02:58:54 PM »
Working with prefabs has improved.. but things get really nasty if you follow these steps:

* Make some Game objects with Playmaker stuff on them - talking together, referring to GameObjects
* Change some other Game Objects into prefabs as part of daily routine
* Accidentally make one or more of the ones with PlayMaker stuff on them to Prefabs
* Regret, and use standard method: Change that back by: Menu -> GameObject -> Break Prefab Instance

All sorts of error messages, things that works though indicated they should not, cycles spinning out of control.. and what's worse is:

Impossible to repair, as fields with reference to GameObjects will not accept to be repaired, they probably think they are still in a prefab, and will not want anything to do with their old friends.. Need to do complete project rebuild (Or find backup)