
Author Topic: crossfade 2 skybox material colors?  (Read 1569 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 27
crossfade 2 skybox material colors?
« on: June 21, 2016, 04:53:16 PM »
Hey everyone! I'm a fairly new playmaker users and I'm having some troubles with my setup.

I have 2x skyboxes with the same shader ( screenshot attached) but with different top & bottom colors. When my player enters a trigger, the skybox 1. should "cross-fade" over a period of time to skybox 2 (or the colors of skybox 1 should change to other color values with a fade effect).

I get the trigger part with my player, but couldn't figure out the crossfading of the colors ( right now I'm just found the "set skybox"-action).

Could you guys help me out?